Meet our intrepid fundraisers

Mark Grinter

Head of Girls Section

Chief Fundraiser

U11 Girls Head Coach

Tom Burns

U11 Girls Coach

Andy Glover

Club Welfare Officer

Longest Continuous Member (30+ Years)

U9 Girls Head Coach

Our Sponsors

Many thanks to the three main sponsors whose support have allowed Mark, Tom and Andy to undertake this endeavour.

Why We Do It!

Fry Club JFC have been supporting the Children's Hospice South West ever since 2011 when one of our teams proudly added their logo to their kit and collected coins pitch side during matches.  That support has grown into a number of sponsored events including Ironman and Irongirl challenges, run the distance to Paris, climb the equivalent of Everest and a mass walk, with this year seeing the entire Club undertaking a Colour-run before this massive undertaking.


For more than 30 years Children's Hospice South West has been caring for babies, children and young people with life-threatening and life-limiting conditions by providing hospice care and professional family support services. The care offered at each of their three hospices is not just about medical and nursing support for babies, children and young people but enriching the lives of them and their whole family.

You too can do your bit!  If you would like to support our fundraising then please donate to our Crowdfunding Page:


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